50 Greatest Ever Stories In Gaming

7. Bioshock

Bioshock Big Daddy And Little Sister 600x300 A man chooses, a slave obeys Everything from the politically charged backdrop to the dystopian underwater utopia of Rapture itself is remarkably crafted to create one of the most suspenseful atmospheres ever seen in gaming. The twist though, is one of those twists that are so shocking you just wish you could erase your memory of the game and play it all from scratch again. Who in a million years would have predicted that you were under mind control from a simple phrase; "Would You Kindly". It's utter brilliance when gaming takes advantage of mute protagonists and basic tropes we have accepted to do something incredibly genius with the narrative. There are also interesting morality choices along the way regarding saving the Little Sisters or farming them for quick ADAM to upgrade your powers. Overall, Bioshock is a masterpiece that instantly was destined to become a reputable franchise.

6. Final Fantasy VI

892 We have reached the apex of our Final Fantasy listings with none other than the game starring the video game equivalent to the Joker; Kefka. Everyone else seems to firmly believe that Sephiroth is the ultimate Final Fantasy villain which befuddles me because last time I checked, Kefka's mentally unstable self succeeded in taking over the world. I'll take his final boss theme Dancing Mad over One Winged Angel any day of the week too.
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I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.