50 Greatest Ever Stories In Gaming

46. Journey

Journey 05 Trekking along with deserts, Journey is another standout story albeit by very unconventional methods. Sometimes less is more as it€™s never really absolute as to what Journey is truly about. The developers put you on a pilgrimage with themes and abstract concepts sprinkled in. A groundbreaking design mechanic allowing for players to connect online randomly without knowing who they are playing with or having no means of verbal communication further defined the experience. By the end of your journey you are left with unanswered questions yet a sense of wonder and warm fuzzy feelings in your heart. Journey may never have a definitive synopsis but the ideas it presents fused with letting imaginations run wild results in insightful and thoughtful discussion that never fizzles out so long as new players keep experiencing it.

45. The Legend of Zelda Franchise

Ocarina Of Time Is a description truly necessary? There may not be one specific entry that blew minds from a story standpoint (aside from possibly Ocarina of Time and its unprecedented scope); it€™s the undeniable legacy and lore of the franchise claiming a spot. Given slightly more depth to something akin to Mario, The Legend of Zelda utilized the Princess in peril plot device and built an entire fantasy landscape around it. Iconic characters emerged including Link (the brave and courageous hero with a green pointy hat) and Ganon (the classic villain with a distinct cackling laugh). Koji Kondo's consistently amazing soundtracks are also still magical to this day adding just as much atmosphere to the franchise as the iconic characters. For over 25 years this franchise has existed with no signs of slowing down.

44. Killer 7

Rsz 6899103688 55c56b24c1 O Copy Aside from embracing itself as one of the quirkiest games ever created, cult Director Suda 51 also conceived a zany plot that rose above its absurdity into something thought provoking. At the core it€™s about an elderly man that controls assassins but looking deeper one can find various political themes and commentary on child assassins. Killer 7 was boldly different and a stepping stone towards more mature games. As par for the course with a game by Suda 51 there's a very distinct and vibrant artsyle with the story initially being about as comprehensible as a bad dream on LSD, but you get as much back as you put in. I actually wish Suda 51 would try hiding more heavy themes within his wacky journeys instead of going full blown B movie cheese like Lollipop Chainsaw.

43. Planescape Torment

Rememberplanescape I will be honest, playing Planescape Torment is more like reading an interactive thick book. Bucking conventional RPG design aiming for less of a high fantasy adventure featuring many, many random battles, Planescape Torment strictly focuses on telling a story. Many hours will be spent squinting to gather dialogue off your PC monitor as you invest yourself into The Nameless One€™s sorrowful tale of death and amnesia. Excellent writing, unexpected twists, and calculated pacing pave the way to a nail-biting climax at The Fortress of Regrets.
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I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.