6 Awesome Game Over Screens Worth Dying For

1. Conker’s Bad Fur Day - All The Game Overs

Conker's Bad Fur Day

Rare (or at the very least, 90s Rare) were the kings of the game development industry. Banjo Kazooie, Banjo Two-ie, Conker’s Bad Fur Day, Diddy Kong Racing, Donkey Kong Country, freakin’ Goldeneye 007! Yes, they were titans, and the innovation, creativity and straight up fun ran through all their projects from the opening title screen right through to the game overs.

Shout out to the failure ending of Banjo Kazooie when Gruntilda successfully turns herself hot at the expense of turning Banjo’s sister into a monster, but the game overs for Conker’s Bad Fur day shine through as the best in Rareware’s canon.

If the player should happen to fail, primary villain The Panther King will inquire whether his guards retrieved Conker or not. They respond that they have, before throwing down a bloody bag of Conker’s remains, reminding us all for one final time that Conker’s Bad Fur day, no matter how much it looks like a children’s game, ain’t one for the kids.

Another, perhaps less gloomy end for our beloved red squirrel sees The Panther King makes good on his plan all along and turns Conker into a leg for his throne-side table. In classic Rare style humour, he gleefully declares how he won’t be spilling his milk anymore, as conker wriggles helplessly, acting as a supporting table leg.

Not the happiest end for certain, but a hilariously over the top optional ending that only serves as greater motivation to rise up, grab the controller and beat that Panther King bastard once and for all!


Writer, editor and presenter for WhatCulture, also a resident musician at NU. I know I'm not as funny as I think I am, please stop pointing it out...