6 Beloved Video Game Franchises That Died In 2017

1. Halo

Halo big team battle

The only release Halo saw in 2017 was Halo Wars 2, though there are more factors to Halo kicking the bucket than just one RTS spin-off not selling well.

Firstly, of course yes, this sequel selling 150k units in its first week is disastrous considering the original broke a million, but take that alongside the fact that Halo 5 was - and still is - the worst-selling numbered instalment so far.

2017 saw Microsoft announce that 343 Industries would finally fix the Master Chief Collection (which has remained broken and unplayable since 2014), resulting in the mildest mouse fart of celebration, yet most disastrously is the Halo Championship 2017 which was a shell of its former self.

Halo used to be so big, the launch of Halo 3 actually shut down Times Square. Developers wished they could have the same communities as Bungie had with its fans, and we all loved pouring thousands of hours into the multiplayer.

Halo 4 dealt a mortal blow, 5 put it on life support, and Halo Wars, the complete lack of fanfare and a naff Championship Tournament finished it off.


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