6 Fake Video Game "Secrets" That Totally Fooled You

1. The Ruse Cruise (Metal Gear Solid V)

Metal Gear Solid V

While all Metal Gear Solid games are weird, MGS V was particularly odd. From its winding, fragmented narrative to the way the game was marketed, initially revealed as an original title from a team called Moby Dick Studios, there was always a mystery for fans to unravel.

As a result, when the game ended on a surprisingly flat note, after a whole chapter of repeated missions and narrative twists that came out of nowhere no less, like the indoctrination theory before it, fans clung onto the idea that a “Chapter 3”, which would finish the game properly, was secretly coming.

Dubbed the "ruse cruise", fans across MGS message boards were putting together "evidence" that suggested that, in time, this secretive third chapter would be indeed be released, and it was all part of Hideo Kojima's master plan. There just had to be more, right?

Well, the reality was that Kojima’s fractured working relationship with Konami was no doubt what left MGS V feeling so unfinished and rushed in the end, not any grand bait and switch. Still, at the time, this secret ending felt entirely possible.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3