6 Fake Video Game "Secrets" That Totally Fooled You

2. You Can Play As A Ghoul - Fallout 3

carol fallout 3

Although Fallout 3 shared many similarities with Bethesda’s Elder Scrolls series, it was limited in one comparative way: you had to be human. This made sense, as unlike the fantasy world of Oblivion and the like, there were no Argonians or Khajiit’s in this grounded post-apocalyptic tale, and there were certainly no vampires (well, there were kinda, but you know what I mean).

That said, at the time of the third game’s release, there was the rumour that you could indeed transform into something more than human. You came across plenty of Ghouls on your journey, humans who had been transformed into zombie-like creatures by extreme exposure to radiation, and it was whispered through message boards that if you hit the max radiation level and didn’t die, then you too could join their ranks.

It’s a little far-fetched, but it made total sense at the time. Consequently, plenty of people will no doubt remember walking to the nearest radiation hot zone and standing there as the bar slowly ticked over and the time went by, eager to see what horrible secret transformation Bethesda had in store. And then just... died. We'd all been tricked.

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Fallout 3
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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3