6 Philosophical Ideas That Make Horizon Zero Dawn Even Better
1. Bruno Latour And The Politics Of Nature
This theory builds on the previous one, as the French philosopher argues for the end of the separation between culture and nature.
In Plato's view, the scientist/prophet/philosopher goes out to nature as if it's a different entity, and has to come back to the "human world" and introduce what he's found. Instead, Latour calls for the end of the separation between the object and the subject, calling for a complete inclusion.
In other words, he preaches togetherness.
This is once again personified by the Banuk tribe, which accepts all beings and tries to learn from them in order to coexist peacefully with their surroundings. This will also, hopefully, be the ending for the other tribes, as the Nora fight together with the Carja against a common enemy.
There is hope that this unity will last.