6 Video Game Reveals You Totally Missed

5. The REAL Zelda - Zelda II: The Adventure Of Link

zelda 2 adventure of link

The black sheep of The Legend of Zelda and by-far the biggest outlier in the entire canon thanks to being a side-scrolling action RPG with a brutal difficulty, Zelda 2 has cult status today, but was a notably divisive release. Even Shigeru Miyamoto has stressed that he wished he "did more" with its overall design.

Play now though, and providing you can overcome the difficulty, you'll find a title way ahead of its time, experimenting - like Final Fantasy also in the 80s - with an overworld, hit points popping off enemies, townships with moving NPCs you could interact with, and a surprisingly engaging narrative.

Speaking of, there's a tiny point tucked away in the game's manual that actively changes what the "Legend of Zelda" even is. Though it's gone through a couple of translations over the years, millions of modern players who never had access to this text will miss the fact that only the Zelda in Zelda II, is the real, original Princess Zelda.

Stemming from an evil magician cursing the Princess to eternal sleep because she wouldn't tell him how to access the Triforce, Zelda II's manual states that her brother, the Prince of Hyrule, "ordered that every female child born into the royal household shall be given the name, Zelda".

It's long been a fan theory that each subsequent Zelda game is essentially an ancient tale told around a metaphysical campfire anyway - or we can go with the idea of various Zeldas popping up across a main timeline, finding their own "Links" whenever Hyrule needs a hero.

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