6 Ways Dark Souls Changes You As A Person

2. Everyone Is Different, Individuality Is Great

dark souls golden king jeremiah

It can be very easy to think, especially when we are young, that blending in is easier than sticking out. Individuality is almost a rare treat in life, considering that each and every one of all 7 billion of us is completely unique.

In Dark Souls, there are hundreds of different combinations you can utilise and tailor to suit your liking. It is a game where there is not just one set “best” way to play. Even the lowest damaging weapon has a move set that can be fun, or a secret infusion that unlocks its true power, or perhaps just work as part of a fun challenge run (You’ve got to laugh at how decent even a broken mundane Handmaid’s Ladle can be).

With so many different possibilities, it’s not uncommon to encounter other people using equipment and techniques that inspire you to try them out yourself.

Find something you like. Try it out. It could be the start of a wonderfully unique adventure that will set you apart from everyone else.

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Dark Souls
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Video Editor and recent addition to the madness of the Gaming team, when she's not chatting about games, thinking about games, or playing games, she's streaming them on twitch. Tweet her pictures of dogs @DontRachQuit