7 Awesome Japanese Video Games Never Released In The USA

5. Famicom Wars

Metal Wolf Chaos

If you’re horrendously old enough to remember a world before dual screen handheld gaming systems you probably remember a little military turn-based tactics slice of awesome that is Advance Wars, released in 2001 for the gameboy advance.

Well this isn’t actually where the franchise began. Famicom wars was a game released in Japan for the Family Computer (or the NES to us westerners) in 1988, and received critical acclaim. It then spawned a proud family of successful and exclusively Japanese children for the Gameboy Advance and Super Nintendo Entertainment System throughout the 1990s.

True to the franchise's established mechanics, Famicom Wars sees two rival nations attempt to dominate each other in turn based conquest. The aim is to either eliminate all the enemy forces or conquer their headquarters.

Famicom Wars finally got a release on the virtual console in 2009. But only in Japan! Why must you tease us like this Nintendo?!


Writer, editor and presenter for WhatCulture, also a resident musician at NU. I know I'm not as funny as I think I am, please stop pointing it out...