7 Best Movie Video Games EVERYONE Missed

2. Mad Max

Mad Max In Car Combat
Avalanche Studios

Dropping on the same day as Metal Gear Solid V - and subsequently being wiped out sales-wise because of it - the Just Cause developers' take on Mad Max is actually a really awesome, meaty open-world car combat game with stellar Arkham-style combat.

For the former you're slamming into the many gangs of the wasteland, sending opponents careening off down cliff edges or into balls of flame as your helper Chumbucket tries to stop your vehicle, the "Magnum Opus", from exploding.

Grapple hooks let you tear parts of other rides apart and Max himself is a walking tank of a man, able to deliver what I'm saying is the most satisfying haymaker since Fight Night Round 3.

The real show-stealers though, are the storms. Though Just Cause 4 and Battlefield 2042 are experimenting with processor-heavy sandstorms and tornados ripping apart the environment, Mad Max's terrifyingly dark, cloudy electrical storms got their first, covering the screen in debris, vehicles, enemies and everything in between.

There's a survivalist edge to Mad Max that really brings its otherwise generic elements together, making this loose 2015 movie tie-in a must-play.

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