7 Best Online Gaming Communities
A few days ago, I compiled a list of the worst online gaming communities. I'm sure that the average gamer owns at least one or two of the games that made the list which made me wonder about the future of gaming as a whole. Video games are quickly becoming our main form of entertainment. With the emergence of Sky+ and Tivo, it's easier to record our favourite movies and TV shows to watch uninterrupted at a more convenient time. The fact is, most of us would rather spend our free time wandering the plains of Skyrim or chasing Bowser as a little porky plumber. As gamers, we were blessed with some amazing single player games this year. Far Cry 3 and The Walking Dead have raised the benchmark to which all other titles should be be judged. Unfortunately, developers are becoming more and more interested in online gaming. The recent revealing of Tomb Raider's multiplayer modes is yet another example of companies trying to prolong the experience. Nowadays, it is almost a requirement to hop online in order to get the most from the game. The trouble is, most gaming communities are about as friendly as The Hulk on a bad day. But all hope is not lost. There are some diamonds in the rough. Here are 7 of the best online gaming communities.