7 Biggest Reasons E3 Is Dying
5. The Size Of Most Video Games Don't Allow For A Mid-Year Demo

Onto the other side of the coin, and it's a harsh reality of top-tier video game development that the majority of titles don't come together or resemble anything playable until their closing months.
God of War's Cory Barlog has talked at length about how 2018's soft-reboot was a complete mess until very close to launch, with various key systems including combat, traversal etc. being developed by different teams, that could only coalesce further down the line.
Across the 8th generation we've seen this proven true to painful degree, as release dates and supposed "finish lines" actively cut the head off projects in development before they've been given life.
Cyberpunk 2077, Ghost Recon Breakpoint, Fallout 76 etc - we've reached a point where actively siphoning resources away from core development just to make a "vertical slice" demo is rarely worth it, especially when the show you're creating the demo for is waning in popularity, and those resources are better spent bringing everything together.