7 Crazy Pokemon Origin Theories That'll Blow Your Mind

2. Voltorb Is A Pokéball Possessed By Haunter


One of the most deliriously silly theories actually answers one of the bigger questions in the Pokémon world. Namely, why is there a Pokémon that looks exactly like a Pokeball? Did somebody design the method of containing the creatures around one of the more volatile monsters as a bit of a laugh.

Well, notice how Voltorb, the Pokéball Pokémon, has very similar eye shape to Haunter (who may be the ghost of Clefairy, keep up). Could this Pokémon actually be an inanimate object (here a Pokeball) that was possessed by a Haunter who got trapped (maybe forgetting it's not quite as gaseous as the Gastly it once was), making it a whole new species. That'd explain where self-destruct comes from - its Haunter trying to escape.

OK, we'll admit this one is on the implausible side, but if we can accept failed clones and dead Pokémon, this actually isn't the big leap it first seems.

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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.