7 Deadly Gaming Sins - SLOTH!
1. E.T For Atari
It might seem so very easy at this point in time to kick yet another rib off of the dead horse that is Atari's ET, but honestly, it's hard to find a bigger example of nearly every gaming sin encapsulated into just one title. While greed might be front and center of the experience seeing as Atari literally forced the developer Howard Scott Warshaw to complete the game within a ridiculously short time frame all so they could hit that sweet holiday season payday, it was actually a decision brought on by Sloth that was the game's downfall.
You see while E.T went on to be a catastrophic failure, it only did so thanks to the company refusing to learn from the mistakes made with a previous critical bomb for the system, Atari's Pac-Man. This was another rushed, lazy and thoroughly soulless product that traded heavily on the goodwill of the IP and was met with critical lambasting at every level. However, the game SOLD well, and to Atari that was enough to consider it a win.
Therefore the carried on, stubborn and lazy in their mindset, believing that they could pull the same con job with E.T. Oh how wrong they were as this game's critical and commercial failure was the wake-up call this lazy giant needed.
Shame it seemed to take the whole industry with it though.