7 Essential Star Wars Games You Must Play Before The Force Awakens

2. Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYgpLIuKQPo The sheer impact this game has had over the years in incredible, and there are good reasons why it's regarded as one of the best, if not THE best Star Wars game ever. A game developed by Bioware, a company widely known as one of the best team-based RPG developers, K.O.T.O.R set the ground of how an RPG game can capture the spirit of Star Wars like no other. Superb voice acting, incredible storyline, choices that impact the characters around you and one of the greatest jaw-dropping revelations in gaming history make this the masterpiece that simply must be played by any and all Star Wars fans. Granted, it lacks the sort of action that the previously mentioned instalments have in terms of combat being a 'pause and execute'-type deal, but the gameplay and options open to you are very well done nonetheless. If by any chance you didn't know about K.O.T.O.R. because you were conducting research on another planet from 2003 until now, the time has come.

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