7 Huge Video Game Story Details Revealed In Spin-Offs

2. Why The Villains Matter In Halo Infinite - Halo Wars 2

halo infinite escharum
343 Industries

At this stage we all know the tale of Halo Infinite - the half-finished trailers, the promising gameplay demos and the genuinely heartwarming old-school look to Master Chief - but as for villain Escharum, he was the laughing stock of an early trailer and little else.

Whilst it's impossible to say how much of Infinite has been retooled or overhauled since original trilogy writer Joseph Staten came on board, any self-identifying Halo fan should know about Atriox and The Banished - the group of brute outcasts who Escharum mentions during his monologue.

halo wars 2
343 Industries

First appearing in Halo Wars 2 in a genuinely terrifying surprise attach, Atriox is one of the best Halo villains in the franchise. Ostensibly the Thanos of the piece in regards to being a calculating, intimidating warlord with a master plan, Atriox was cast out from even the Covenant themselves, only to survive his own execution and form The Banished, who newcomer Escharum now works with.

Escharum's monologue refers to Atriox's will, but with the character not being confirmed dead at the end of Halo Wars 2, mainstream Halo fans could be about to meet someone they'll never forget.

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