7 Inherent Flaws In The Awesome BioShock Infinite

2. The Middle Act Veers Dangerously Close To Filler

BioShock-Infinite_Handyman_01Infinite's pacing is mostly brilliant throughout, though there's a point that occurs towards the middle of the game where things begin to lose focus slightly, and you feel like proceedings are coming dangerously close to "generic first-person shooter" territory: You know... completing mindless errands for other characters (i.e. every other game ever made). Luckily this doesn't last long enough to drive you out of your mind, because the scenery is still magnificent. The game also seems to release what it's doing, before pulling the rug out beneath your feet. Phew. Still, this little blip takes up a few hours of precious gameplay time, and I think it's interesting for a couple of reasons. Despite the fact that so many developers are seriously trying to push the boundaries of what it is to "tell a story" with the video game medium, it's still tough for them to tell a story with the same amount of energy for a full on 10 hours. Understandable, of course, but it means that - even Infinite's story is excellent - segments like this still find their way in, despite the fact that genericness is what the best developers are actively trying to avoid.

All-round pop culture obsessive.