7 Most Exciting New Features Announced In FIFA 21 Reveal

4. Career Mode Updates

EA Sports

Despite a huge number of people playing career mode each year, it rarely receives any substantial updates. A host of new features are being added this year, which should improve the experience for those that concentrate on careers.

Perhaps the most exciting update for career mode is a revamped growth system which will allow you to transform players positions through training. If this works, it would give players the option to mould their squad in their own manner more easily than having to go out and bring new players to their club.

There is also a new training system which should link in with the growth system giving career mode more of a Football Manager feel to it.

An interactive match sim, which will allow players to jump in and out of matches at key moments, also sounds intriguing. This would be great for those that want to play lots of games in a short space of time.

Other additions include new ways to sign players, an activity management system and new initial set up options. All of the new features for career mode should be great in principle, but we will have to wait and see how much of an impact they have for those that regularly play the mode.

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Gaming and sports writer from the North East of the UK