7 Most Terrifying Video Games Available On PSN Right Now

3. Amnesia: The Dark Descent

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Frictional Games

Originally only for PC, in Amnesia, you are Daniel, who wakes in a foreboding castle with no memory of who he is or how he got there. Just as the title suggests.

The aim of the game? To stay alive while piecing together who you are and why you are there. The catch? You can’t fight.

You’re probably used to having a gun while you fight off monsters. Not in Amnesia, where your options are limited to hiding and praying they don’t find you or flee and outrun your nemesis.

Amnesia is also rooted in the psychological with a morbid and unsettling vibe. The castle reacts, sprouting growths and rushing blood towards you and the place is so big you can feel yourself getting lost. This increases the immersion placing you in the middle of the madness.

And the monster could be lurking around any corner, any door, right behind you. You might have to drop everything and flee at a moment's notice. Certainly not a game for those already with a paranoid streak.

And the best news? It’s available as a collection on the PSN, bundled with the sequel Machine for Pigs. Now you really don’t have an excuse for not playing.


Hi, I'm Abi. I love writing for fun, gaming, painting and I'm tatt'd, pierced and a wannabe witch. Writing is the passion, hobby, life and one day, I hope, job. I love all things dark, I don't scare easy and the more twisted, the better. :) I don't bite. Much, anyways.