7 Point-And-Click Adventure Video Game Classics That Deserve A Revival

4. Beneath A Steel Sky

Many point-and-click properties have gone on to spawn long-running series, but that sadly isn€™t the case for one of the genre€™s brightest stars - Revolution Studios€™ Beneath a Steel Sky. This cult classic from Broken Sword creator Charles Cecil brought us the best take on post-apocalyptic Australia this side of the Thunderdome, a masterful blend of drama and comedy, and a hero named after a brand of lager. Foster and his mechanical sidekick Joey have been threatening a comeback for sometime, with Beneath a Steel Sky hitting mobile devices in remastered form in 2009, showing off its timeless qualities in the process. Revolution has spoken at length about the possibility of a sequel and even promised to deliver one if its Kickstarter campaign for Broken Sword 5: The Serpent€™s Curse raised more than $1 million. The campaign fell short of this €˜stretch goal€™ but those folks at Revolution haven't ruled out the possibility of Beneath a Steel Sky 2. Three years later and there has been no movement on the proposed sequel, but let€™s hope that changes soon because Foster€™s world could be as thrilling to revisit as the Broken Sword universe.

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