7 Reasons Why GTA 6 Should Be Grand Theft Auto London

2. The Correct Side Of The Road

Skyfall Aston Martin

The UK, Republic of Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Japan, Sweden (until 1967) and a few other countries do the sensible thing of driving on the left side of the road, also known as the correct side of the road, not like everywhere else like the USA and Europe where they drive on the wrong side of the road, which is silly and extremely dangerous. It would give those of us who know this the chance to drive around on the side of the road we all know to be correct, the left (the €˜others€™ as I shall call them, know this but they don€™t have the balls to admit we who drive on the left are correct). It will show those of you who drive on the wrong side of the road just how much better it is to drive on the left and the advantages it has, driving on the right is evil, Hitler drove on the right and look what happened, do you want that to happen again?. It may also convince Swedes to switch back to the left; it will make my life easier when I finally emigrate there.

A self-motivated, dedicated and responsible person. A strong interest and wide knowledge of computer software, primarily in gaming development. I have interests in music, film and TV. Other interests include current affairs, motoring, drawing and history. I have a strong and life-long interest in computer games starting way back in 1994. (FYI: It is East Yorkshire NOT (North) Humberside)