7 Secret Video Game Bonus Features You Never Got To Play
Region Locked Out Of The House.

As nice as it is to own a console with a tonne of exclusive titles, it's never nice to be on the outside looking in is it? As we steam the windows of our friend's houses gazing in wonder at titles we can't run on our competitor platform, it's enough to make you drop to your knees and curse the heavens and the developers themselves for not sharing the love.
However, what's this? A Port?! Huzzah! finally, we'll be able to engage with the content that's been giving us the cold shoulder for ages! And even better THIS version is coming with exclusive content! Hidden away like diamonds on top of an already golden experience! Now, who's looking glum chum? Not I!
Such is the tale of weird video game ports that either bar original owners from premium content or worse still, prevent new players from accessing the full game thanks to region-locked content. It can work both ways but neither is a fun experience that's for sure.
Well let's set out blood to fizzy and take a look at times when we were locked out of secret features, modes, and characters all because we were in the wrong place at the wrong time.
7. The Entire Plot - Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere

Now it might be a bit cheeky to call "An Entire Plot" a video game secret feature, but trust me it more than counts in this example as Ace Combat 3's international release outside of Japan is baffling enough that you won't have a clue what's going on.
Simply put, in the original version which contains a whopping 52 levels each with branching plotlines, the game ties together your choices and performance with nifty little anime cutscenes. As you craft your own tale of aerial dominance you'll grow to love your team and even respect your dastardly enemies, or at least that's true of the Japanese version.
For you see, in a moment that must have resulted from a large bang on the head, the developers chose to cut ALL of these cutscenes from the game for the international release, meaning that players outside Japan had no clue what they were doing or how the story reflected their actions in the game.
Understanding a title shouldn't be a bonus feature but having it taken away makes you realise what a blessing AN ACTUAL WORKING NARRATIVE IS.