7 Star Trek Games That Deserve HD Remasters

2. Future's Past/A Final Unity/Generations

Star Trek TNG Games It seems odd to put three games in for a single slot, but since all three involve the same race in fairly plot important ways and seem to have been developed by the same people, I'll allow it. All three games involve the TNG crew and a race known as the Chodak, although their role differs according to each game. All three are mechanically different as well: Future's Past is an adventure game with puzzles and strategy elements; A Final Unity is a point-and-click adventure; and Generations is an FPS with adventure and strategy elements. Future's Past even has two separate versions on Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis with various gameplay changes and totally different NPCs. All three games manage to capture the feel of the show well, even in spite of their technical limitations and sometimes absurd difficulty, through the use of cast as voice actors and even getting one of the writers to write A Final Unity. But perhaps the single best thing about this loose trilogy is that Generations is better than the movie. Because of the way the game is setup, if you foil Soran's plots to blow up stars enough times, he will gather a large fleet at Veridian III, which you can defeat without destroying the Enterprise (which very difficult) or damages the Enterprise enough for Soran to beam aboard and cause a warp core breach before Picard kills him. Sadly, Kirk apparently still dies on a bridge, instead of on the Enterprise, but it's a small price to pay for a tie-in game that's superior to the film it was based on.
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Living in Florida, enjoying the weather when its good, writing for a living. TV, Film, Animation, and Games are my life blood. Follow me on Twitter @xbsaint. Just try not to get too mad when I live tweet during Toonami.