7 Things Nobody Wants To Admit About Persona 5

3. Its Core Message Is Delivered Very Poorly (The Problem With Morgana)

Morgana Persona 5

As mentioned, the driving motive character-wise is to "Stop those damn adults!", as Ryuji keeps mentioning. There's definitely a charm buried somewhere in a youthful, teenage view of the world - one that targets the assumption that once you get past the ripe old age of, say 20, all your passions wilt and you devolve into a being of pure, sexless, mortgage-paying ineptitude.

Such an assumption has been the bedrock for escapist fiction for decades (hence the 'need' to reboot everything from your childhood for maximum nostalgia-bucks), but Persona goes one step further and really hammers home the idea that these kids just want to bring justice to a world ruined by right-wing politics and self-serving rule-makers.

But... Morgana is himself the worst example of this.

A boisterous feline with a penchant for denying he's a cat, Morgana actively berates you for trying to do anything other than what he wants to do. He admits to using the teenagers as 'pawns' for his own gain, withholds information as to what the Palaces and Mementos are, and goes so far as to - as mentioned earlier - let other people crash at your place, without your say-so.

Ostensibly, he's the stand-in for the 'voice of God' in Persona 4, or what in any other game would just be the character talking to themselves, yet in restricting your actions and literally being a brick wall to freedom, he ends up embodying everything the Phantom Thieves are supposed to be against.

Want to return a DVD so you don't miss the late fee? You can't, Morgana says you need to sleep. Want to make a lockpick for your next journey? Nope, you "Can't do that now". Watch TV, make coffee or leave the damn café? Nope, nope and hell no.

Get to bed, child, the adults have spoken.

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Persona 5
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