7 Video Game Sequels That Gave You LESS

6. A Full Game - Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II

Lu Bu dynasty Warriors 9

Being evil can be great fun, and nowhere in the Lucas Arts catalogue was this more keenly felt than Star Wars: The Force Unleashed.

The game pitches the player as ‘Starkiller’, Darth Vader’s secret apprentice tasked with hunting down Jedi in the wake of their purge. Due in part to technical issues, the game was not exactly a resounding success, but its deep dive into lore and presentation of a more morally ambiguous story did generate enough interest for a sequel.

Fast forward two years and the follow up had plenty to prove. Following Starkiller’s face turn and death in the previous game, the player was once again in the shoes of a Dark Side Force user as Starkiller’s clone, and could revel in their vicarious desires to use said powers to their full extent.

Unfortunately, the game limped into the community with an unexceptional narrative running in at barely half the length of its predecessor. Whilst improvements had been made on the technical side of things, with fluid mechanics and updated visuals, the four biomes of painfully repetitive and unchallenging gameplay reeked of a studio just trying to cash in on a popular IP with no real intention of doing it justice.

Following Disney’s acquisition of the franchise all plans for a hinted sequel were cancelled. This would be the last we saw of Starkiller, and a ripple in The Force was barely noticed, as a million voices grunted with mild disinterest.


Hampshire based Writer who spends his time rewatching Deep Space Nine, trying to be an actor and voraciously consuming every Metal album he can find. Final Fantasy IX is the greatest game of all time and this is the hill I will die on.