7 Video Games That Messed With Their Source Material

3. Bomberman: Act Zero

Bomberman Act Zero

Another body on the pile of needlessly gritty reboots, the Bomberman of 2006 is so much of a black sheep to the rest of the family that it’s not even the same species.

Ditching the outstanding, iconic and cutesy graphical stylings of the original titles (along with any sense of fun), Act Zero is a horrible attempt to update a licence that truly didn’t need any of what was added.

From the laughable techno gothic leather look that somehow managed to over-sexualise what it even means to be a Bomberman, to it’s controls that felt like swimming through soup, nearly every aspect of this game failed to impress.

Sometimes a reboot has to be drastic to drum up interest but when you look at how companies like Nintendo manage to make cutesy art styles stay relevant, it becomes so apparent that the Bomberman reboot was trying too hard to capitalise on being cool.

Bomberman isn’t cool. Bomberman is fun, bomberman is adorable, Bomberman actual controls like you bloody well want him to. Therefore by logical conclusion, Act Zero is not Bomberman and should be buried next to ET for the Atari for how much it sucked.

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