7 Video Games You MUST Play On Evil Mode

When being bad is best.

spider man web of shadows

Ahhh, the Evil moral choice - a mustache-twirling, rotten-to-the-core-player's dream.

While others are off trying to cleanse the land of villainy, greed, and violence, we the Evil player stand firm and say "nay", before likely cackling to ourselves from our skull-shaped lairs built into the side of a volcano.

For you see my friend, while in real life we should all pull together, help out our fellow man and treat each other with kindness and respect, here in video game land, it's much more fun to take our neighbor, place him on the edge of our aforementioned lava-spewing front porch and kick him square in the danglies until he topples over, Tekken-style.

Evil choices represent the pursuit of power with every possible corner cut to get there the quickest, and as such often end up being the most enjoyable, ridiculous, and memorable moments in all of gaming, so let's put a pin in our real-life ethics for a moment and wallow in the muck of the true carnage that only comes when you're playing as a true n' blue bastard.

7. Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic

spider man web of shadows
LucasArts / BioWare

Now while I could just gesture over to a picture of Darth Revan frying a dude alive with Force Lightning then spinning around a pair of Sith-endorsed lightsabres and call it reason enough to warrant an Evil Mode run of the brilliant Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic, however, if I'm being truly honest, this is only a small part of why you should Sith up a storm in this game.

This is mainly because you can use the majority of the Sith powers as a Light-Side Jedi at the expense of more Force Points, and we all know that Purple is the true connoisseur crystal color of choice, no you see my friend, the reason you should be an evil bastard in this game, is because it's just so much fun!

Seriously, the writing staff had an absolute field day with the Evil options in this game, and things reach an almost parody level of comic villainy in places, with you being able to destroy a beloved droid, then inform the owner you did it for the kicks. Pressing a button after repeatedly being told not to, or just annoy a specific Mandalorian, swindling people out of money and items, then Force Persuade them so they never gave you any reward in the first place.

There's no nuance at all in these moments, but it's undeniably fun.


Jules Gill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.