7 Ways Capcom Can Make Resident Evil 7 A Success

7. A Cast Of Fresher Faces

Although the series of Resident Evil has many interesting and beloved characters, it has begun to slowly stagnate with the continual focus on its established heroes. How can these characters feel threat or fear of anything that is thrown at them when they have survived and encountered a multitude of scares and mutated monsters in the past? How is the player supposed to invest in these characters on an emotional level when they've proven to be practically indestructible and can dispatch the oncoming onslaught of enemies so effortlessly - where is the empathy? A new band of protagonists would not only imbue the series with some new blood, but would also allow you as a player to have belief in their predicaments. Controlling a character that has not yet bared witness to the monstrosities that populate the world of Resident Evil returns you to the series' roots with the original cast. Yes, they may have had prior training and may be adept with weaponry and survival skills but nothing could have prepared them for the events that unfolded. Make it a personal horror once again and serve up a green, uninitiated character to have the horrors of the Resi world burrowed into them all over again.

Ardent gaming enthusiast who lusts for a taste of working in the industry. Fighting game bruiser who would play professionally if he could learn to block just that little bit more. Bartender on the side and used to be a freelance Makeup Artist. Enthralls everywhere he goes.