7 Ways To Bring Anthem Back From The Dead

5. Big Co-Op Raids With New And Exciting Mechanics

anthem game

Anthem's key selling point is its wonderful core gameplay. Moving around in the Javelins feels amazing, and is an aspect of the game that Bioware has criminally over-looked. The current gameplay loop is to find a big bullet-sponge monster and shoot it.

This isn't going to be enough for the player looking to sink countless hours into this game, Anthem therefor should take ideas from Destiny's raid system.

The raids are one of the key selling points to the Destiny franchise. 6-player challenges that incorporate difficult puzzles, death-defying mazes and epic boss fights. You only have to look at the Twitch numbers on a Destiny raid release to see that it is massively popular.

Anthem has the tools to make something comparable to Destiny Raids, creating a challenge that will test a freelancers flight abilities as well as combat credentials, for epic and unique loot.

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Watcher of old films. Player of many games. Lover of all sports. Pretentious on most music. Useless at physical tasks.