7 Ways Ubisoft Killed For Honor
3. An Insulting Amount Of Time Required To Unlock Everything
One of the biggest outrages that came to light after the game was released was when people calculated just how much time it would take to unlock everything in the game, without stooping as low as to use microtransactions.
People figured out that to unlock all the skins, patterns, max level every character and get every obtainable upgrade, one would have to get around 1,098,000 steel (in-game currency) to unlock everything. That translates to two and half years of time to unlock everything in the game.
Or £585, if you're feeling rich.
Now, in a time where gamers measure their worth by completing games and unlocking everything in a game is seen as a badge of pride, everyone was outraged by the fact that it would take two and half years of game time to unlock everything. And what did the developers say?
'Well, you're not meant to unlock everything...'
It wasn't exactly the best tactical move for the company, and they swiftly back-pedalled, bumping the earn rate of Steel up considerably, but a lot of players gave up on the game, knowing that to get everything they needed to forgo living a life and you know... sleeping.