7 Ways Ubisoft Killed For Honor

4. Bad Balancing And Indecisive Patching

for honor nobushi

Everyone in the For Honor community thinks that they are the best person to balance the game, with nearly everyone throwing in their two cents as to how the characters need to be tweaked. To their credit, Ubisoft did an admirable job keeping up with the complaints and finding a balanced playing field for all characters, yet in doing so over time, they've made the game incredibly hard to play against other players, feeling very unfair most of the time.

Every time there was a patch, a different character was buffed and a different one was nerfed, meaning that every patch made a new hero 'overpowered'.

It was pot luck as to whether your chosen hero was a God or nearly unplayable when put up against certain characters. The heroes fluctuated so much that chances are you would learn one of their move sets, only to have the timings on their attacks changed knocking you back to square one.

Balancing was a necessary thing for the game too, but the way it was handled and how it was done frustrated a lot of players when they were skilled one week, only to have timings between attacks change leaving them outmatched unfairly.

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For Honor
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