6. Minecraft (PC and Xbox 360)
Minecraft is easily one of the most popular games of all time. It has already sold 17 million copies worldwide and it's the highest selling game on the Xbox Arcade. If you have played Minecraft (I assume you have by now) you might wonder why it's on this list. How could a game so cute and innocent looking deserve its place at number 6? How about the fact that the community is just plain terrible, filled with 12 year old bullies and immature adults who are worse dictators than Adolf Hitler? Xbox Live might have brought these problems to the fore but the PC version suffers too. Most admins and moderators aren't helpful, instead concentrating on being elitists and looking down at people who don't know as much as them. Then you have the guys who just run around burning down houses. Whatever that's about. For a game that was built as an alternative to your average online battleground, it's not a very happy place.
Barry O Halloran
Barry O' Halloran has been a whatculture writer for the last two years and having recently graduated, now plans on writing about games & movies until his hands fall off. Follow him on twitter!
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