7 Worst Video Games Of 2021 (So Far)

2. Taxi Chaos

taxi chaos
Team6 Game Studios

In the pantheon of new-age IPs trying to rekindle forgotten franchises - your Dangerous Drivings, your Road Redemptions, your Back 4 Bloods - Crazy Taxi is something Sega haven't touched since 2014, and even that was a mobile app.

While the IP was beloved thanks to an immediately iconic craaaazy announcer, solid chunky gameplay and a stellar punk soundtrack for the time, there's almost no market for it in the modern day, save for doing the Tony Hawk's remake treatment and focusing on nostalgia.

Taxi Chaos then, is a completely soulless ripoff, with none of the songs, charm, announcer or characters to justify its existence.

Outside of original IP comparisons, there just isn't enough to do in the game. 90 second sessions see you pick up passengers and drop them off... then that's it. You can either go again to get a higher score, try to find some shortcuts, or play something else.

Maybe some day we get a really slick Crazy Taxi with genuine energy coursing through its veins once again, but for now, Taxi Chaos ain't it.

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