8 "Simple" Video Game Features That Took YEARS To Perfect

4. Ellie - The Last Of Us

Last Of Us Part Ii
Naughty Dog

Although we've come to take them for granted now, companion characters used to the most frustrating parts of video games. Back in the days when Dead Rising reigned supreme, the idea of having to escort an NPC through an entire campaign would be enough to send chills up the spines of every player in the world.

Thankfully, the likes of Bioshock: Infinite and The Last of Us proved that not only could it be enjoyable to have a companion, but it could actually enhance both the story and gameplay in unique ways.

The latter title really needed to nail an NPC companion that didn't frustrate the player or become a chore to look after, as the relationship between the playable Joel and companion Ellie drove the heart of the entire plot.

The first step was to keep her in view at all times, as teleporting around the environment wouldn't have made her feel like part of the world, but keeping her too tied to the player and passive would have made the entire game feel like an escort mission.

It was a difficult balance to get right, and Naughty Dog spent years tweaking her A.I. behaviour, and how much agency she had in combat, before finishing on the finished version.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3