8 "Useless" Video Game Items That Were Secretly GAME-BREAKERS

7. Toy Spitball Gun - Dead Rising 2

assassins creed broom
Capcom & YouTube: Steve The Epic

Dead Rising 2's Toy Spitball Gun is every bit the joke weapon you think it is - that is, unless you decide against the odds and basic logic to use it during the boss battle against TK's turret-mounted helicopter.

In regular gameplay, the spitball gun won't put a dent in enemies - it fires nothing but plastic spitballs, after all.

And more to the point, the helicopter can't be damaged by conventional firearms either, requiring you to instead throw objects at it while it's snagged on a crane in order to gradually, tediously whittle its health down.

Or you can just pull out the Toy Spitball Gun, because for reasons which will surely baffle scientists and general mankind until the heat death of the universe, the plastic spitballs are classified as thrown objects instead of weaponised projectiles.

This means the helicopter isn't programmed to be resistant to them, effectively allowing you to blast away at it for a mere matter of seconds and take the chopper down - once more for the cheap seats, WITH A GUN THAT FIRES PLASTIC BALLS.

Yet in a game as flagrantly daft as Dead Rising 2, this egregious abuse of rudimentary physics honestly feels right at home. You'd miss it if it wasn't there, wouldn’t you?

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.