8 "Useless" Video Game Items That Were Secretly GAME-BREAKERS

5. Broom Of Doom - Assassin's Creed II

assassins creed broom

You'd be forgiven for thinking that a broom in an Assassin's Creed game is about as useful as a condom in a nunnery, but you'd actually be wrong, surprisingly enough. Oh so gloriously dead-wrong.

You're able to pick up brooms by bumping into any NPCs you see holding them throughout the game world, and in your hands they hilariously become ultra-deadly offensive weapons.

In a manner both nonsensical and totally awesome, the brooms are programmed to replicate the murdering potential of both a sword and a hammer during counter manoeuvers.

And so, if you step up to a heavily armoured guard with your broom in tow, as long as you successfully counter their initial strike, you'll be able to respond by murderising them with it, because the game doesn't know the difference between a broom and, well, weapons which can actually cause serious bodily harm.

Depending on the nature of your counter, you might even get to watch your foe die a most improbably bloody death-by-broom.

And once the deed is done, you could theoretically even sweep their guts into a nice neat pile.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.