8 'Shocking' Video Game Plot Twists You Guessed At The Beginning

6. Josh Is Behind The Mask - Until Dawn

Until Dawn Josh

Until Dawn is easily one of the most underrated gems in the PS4's substantial library, though by indulging in all the most fun teen horror tropes, it does mean you start to suspect everything will play out in the most obvious way possible.

Case in point: The masked man stalking everybody for the first half of the game is Josh.

Why? Well, Josh is the older brother of the deceased sisters, Hannah and Beth (whose deaths form the basis of why the group return to Blackwood Mountain), so immediately his familial ties and straight-up weird mannerisms paint him as the most off-kilter of the crew.

Even when we have a section where Josh gets 'cut in half', it's VERY easy to assume a Saw-like "Actually he never died" rug-pull, only to be proven right shortly thereafter.

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Uncharted 4
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