8 AGGRESSIVE NPCs Who Wouldn't Leave You ALONE
5. Claptrap - Borderlands
Aside from being playable in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, Claptrap is typically an NPC sidekick throughout the franchise, and easily one of the most polarising mascots in video game history.
This hunk o' junk is an all-timer example of a companion character who just doesn't know when to wind their damn neck in and zip it. If you've ever been to a party and been unrelentingly talked at by someone much less-sober than you, you'll likely find Claptrap's staggering lack of self-awareness completely infuriating.
It doesn't help that his unending word vomit is spewed in a gratingly high-pitched tone, nor that developers Gearbox only leaned into Claptrap's obnoxiousness in the sequels.
As such, you might find yourself reaching for the volume control every damn time he pipes up - which happens to be a whole lot.
Can someone, anyone, make a mod which just shuts him the hell up? How has this not happened already?