8 Amazing Games With Terrible Mechanics

4. The Gummi Ship - Kingdom Hearts

Hellblade Senua's Sacrifice
Square Enix

The original Kingdom Hearts is that rare miracle of a potentially cynical idea that actually turned out incredibly well - an act of corporate synergy between Square Enix and Disney that resulted in one of the most beloved RPGs of the last quarter-century.

That's in spite of those bloody godawful Gummi Ship sections, though.

Because getting to explore gorgeous Disney-themed worlds and kick ass alongside Donald Duck and Goofy apparently wasn't enough of a gameplay hook, Square Enix injected some "added value" by forcing players to pilot their Gummi Ship between the various game worlds.

These soul-sucking tedious on-rails shooting sections are basically the polar opposite of the game's exploration and combat - uninspired, artless filler in a game that's already long enough. A common habit for the publisher, unfortunately.

Though they toned these sections down considerably in the second and third Kingdom Hearts games, the fact they exist at all is bewildering. In a world filled with so much magic, can Sora and co. really not just teleport around? 

Then again, seeking logic in the decidedly logic-allergic world of Kingdom Hearts is a most foolish errand.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.