8 Amazing Video Game Weapons That Killed YOU

1. Boomerang - Don't Starve

Resident Evil 5 Egg
Klei Entertainment

Don't Starve, as the name might suggest, isn't exactly a title that's a nice frolic in a field 90% of the time.

With almost perpetual darkness coating the title, a gloomy atmosphere, and of course the myriad of monsters that view your stomach as an all your can eat buffet, death, and despair are pretty much par for the course. However just because you're literally fighting for your life at every turn, doesn't mean the game keeps you perpetually underpowered when it comes to weapons.

The Glass Cutter, The Morning Star, The almighty Ham Bat, all of these and more can be yours and each does a mighty job of making your odds of surviving another night that much greater. However somehow even cooler than a literal slab of meat being your weapon, Don't Starve also gives you access to a brilliant Boomerang.

This ranged weapon can clobber enemies from a distance and has the lovely added bonus of coming back to you to use again and again. Well, that is if you remember to catch it that is. For you see, if you don't press the action button as it comes back around, it'll clonk you in the head causing a fair amount of damage, thereby making a very cool weapon possibly the last thing you'll see as it sends you six feet down under. Crikey.

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