8 Amazing Video Game Weapons That Killed YOU

2. Killstar - Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon

Resident Evil 5 Egg

Ok so who was the genius that decided to exploit my love of death lasers and the almightly so-bad-it's-brilliant movie Krull in the form of Dar Cry 3's amazing Blood Dragon expansion?

Was it you Jeff? No? Well, it's got your fingerprints all over this bad boy.

In an experience as over the top and utterly insane as Blood Dragon, you're going to need to do something special in order to stand out, and the Killstar is very special indeed, as not only does it look absolutely amazing as it spins around like a Beyblade of doom, but when it comes to letting it rip, shoots a death laser out which will punch a hole through even the toughest defenses.

However there is one slight drawback here, and that's that the ammunition for the Killstar is your own life essence, making for a horrible situation where you have to choose whether to fire this awesome arm-mounted mad lad, or...you know...stay alive.

It's like Sophies Choice! I can't decide when the weapon is this cool!


Jules Gill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.