8 Awesome Video Game Moments That Happen When You're NOT Playing

6. Conker Plays Killer Instinct - Conkers Bad Fur Day

fatal frame

Idle animations are pretty common in the video game space, where developers took the time and effort to program little sequences to play out when the player has neither the time nor the effort.

From Crash Bandicoot getting out his yo-yos, to Daxter breakdancing during a break in the action, it's often worth just waiting around to see what cool thing our favorite heroes might get up to in our absence.

However, one of my personal favorites is found in Conker's Bad Fur Day in which Conker not only takes a little sit down but also whips out a Game Boy to bash away on!

Making things even better, however, and infinitely more awesome is if you strain your ears, you might be able to make out the exact title Conker is playing! The distinctive beats and sound effects come from another Rare classic Killer Instinct!

How cool is that? Watching one of the most iconic Rare mascots taking time out from his own adventure to have a blast on another classic!

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Fatal Frame
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