8 Awesome Video Games That Have Launched 2016 With A Bang

3. Street Fighter V

Street Fighter may be a colossal disappointment by comparison to what it could (and should) have been, but that doesn't stop it being the best fighting game on the market, and a brilliant mechanical evolution of everything you already loved about the franchise overall. Core movement speed and the feel of gameplay has been sped up to accommodate the faster play-style many fans' brains tend to operate at anyway, and animations have been tweaked ever so slightly to alter hit-boxes and allow for all sorts of counters, ground-based parries and new moves to change things up. Street Fighter remains the cerebrally intense experience it's excelled as for years; every action has an equal and opposite reaction, with counters, special attacks and a hearty roster trimmed to allow for a tighter balance between all involved. Right now the package you can buy is essentially an online-only release, so know that going in and you'll hopefully be okay. On top of all of that, it looks absolutely stunning, easily one of the most impressive and immediately jaw-dropping graphics engines out there - which is precisely what you'd expect from one of the greatest developers of all time.
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