8 Back-Breaking Video Game DLC Bosses

1. The Flame - Furi: One More Fight DLC

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The Game Bakers

As it stands, Furi's mix of martial arts brawler and bullet-hell maelstrom of death is a smart one indeed, and if there's ever a figure who's learned as much about these mechanics as the player has, it's The Flame.

The Flame is a grizzled old vet with a bone to pick and then break with you, and issues a fight to the death that few should pass up as it's one of the most demanding yet rewarding experiences Furi has to offer. Things immediately start out hot as you realize the arena you're fighting in is much smaller than in some other boss battles, meaning that managing space and distance is going to be key to victory here. Not helping matters is the fact that The Flame routinely tries to fill this empty space with projectiles and beam attacks, forcing you to dodge with pinpoint precision.

Plus I really hope you've been boning up on your parrying skills as here you're going to need to use this mechanic to regenerate health and stop his whomping fists from smashing you into the ground like a tent peg. If you're not laser focused it will only take one or two hits to smack the fight right out of you.

Also just for added fun, never ever ever attack him while he's glowing blue because he'll absorb your attacks and reflect them back at you! Making The Flame the true embodiment of "stop hitting yourself".

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