8 Best 7/10 Games Of All Time

5. Until Dawn

Spider Man 2

Until Dawn is basically the perfect "pretty good for a weekend" game - it doesn't stick to the ribs, but it's a fun ride while you're playing it in spite of its many flaws.

A shameless love letter to schlocky horror movies, this interactive cinematic experience may lack particularly involving gameplay and arguably goes on a little too long for its own good, but the vibes, the kitschy charm, and those glorious kills also make it tough to entirely resist.

This is absolutely a game to play in the dark with a group of friends and a mountain of snacks, ensuring that you'll likely have far more positive memories of the experience of playing Until Dawn beyond the actual merits of its gameplay.

Again, there's little here to write home about in terms of game design, but the moody visuals, memorable characters, and compelling performances from a strong cast - including future Oscar winner Rami Malek - make it a damn riotous time regardless.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.