8 Best 7/10 Games Of All Time

3. Fahrenheit

Spider Man 2
Quantic Dream

Fahrenheit was the game that put director David Cage and his studio Quantic Dream on the map, its unique blend of interactive cinematic gameplay offering an experience like little else out there.

But let's be clear, Fahrenheit is also fresh nonsense.

This supernatural murder-mystery touts a strong opening hook - as protagonist Lucas Kane murders a man in a diner while possessed - but falls increasingly prey to the unintentionally comical excesses which have plagued Cage's entire career.

Due to the game's rushed development, its third act is basically a campy car crash of supernatural hooey, including perhaps the single most unearned sex scene in video game history - and that's really saying something.

The result is a game that's a delightfully bonkers ride - an ambitious attempt to do something wildly different with the medium, if also a rough draft of the superior efforts Cage would turn in with subsequent interactive dramas Heavy Rain and Detroit: Become Human.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.