8 Best 'Meet The Real Villain' Moments In Gaming History

7. Darth Vader - Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order

star wars jedi fallen order darth vader
Respawn Entertainment

EA's reign with the Star Wars IP might have left slain bodies left and right, but one shining gem that managed to emerge almost completely unscathed - save for an ad campaign spoiling its big villain reveal - was Jedi: Fallen Order.

The archetypal Star Wars tale of relative nobody Cal Kestis getting embroiled in a fight against the Empire played supremely well, thanks to being put together by the mighty Respawn studios.

While you'll spend time unveiling Cal's own history as a Padawan, finding out what happened between Jedi Cere Junda and her partner Trilla who's gone to the Dark Side, emerging as an Inquisitor, the biggest shock appearance comes in the final few moments.

Masterfully done through audio alone, you'll start to hear some iconic breathing underneath the sounds of the supposed final battle against Trilla.

Around the time this breathing becomes fully recognisable, Darth Vader himself walks into shot behind Trilla, cuts her down and goes full Jason Voorhees on you. The final stretch of the game is literally just surviving against his onslaught of force powers, Rogue One-style, until Cal and Cere team up to delay him and escape.

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