8 Best Movie Licensed Video Games Of All Time

7. The Thing (Xbox, PlayStation 2, PC)

Goldeneye 007 Natalya
Computer Artworks

The Thing may sound like a property not well suited to video game adaptation: much of the horror of the film stemmed from the unpredictable nature of the movie’s titular extraterrestrial, not from any elements that would translate all that well into gameplay.

Yet, 2002’s The Thing manages to reproduce that same sense of dread and confusion which made the original film so famous. A magnificently devious third-person shooter, the game tells the story of a special forces team sent in to find out exactly what happened in the Antarctic base featured in the 1982 movie..

It takes a few cues from games like Silent Hill in that enemies don’t actually show up for the first half hour or so of gameplay, which helps to craft a tense and downright horrific atmosphere. Though it is otherwise a relatively forgettable title in terms of mechanics, the audacity of the team behind this little gem definitely deserves some praise.

There aren’t many games based on The Thing or many other films of its ilk, so this is a variable must-play for fans of John Carpenter’s work.


Sometimes I like to write in between sessions of Rocket League.