8 Best Movie Licensed Video Games Of All Time

5. Lego Star Wars: The Video Game (Xbox, PlayStation 2, GameCube)

Goldeneye 007 Natalya

The first of an absolute litany of Lego games based on George Lucas’ famous interstellar sci-fi property, 2005’s Lego Star Wars: The Video Game was much more fun than it had any right to be.

Aside from Nintendo’s long series of classic E-rated titles, video games developed primarily with younger audiences in mind have a tendency to be overly-simplistic, repetitive, and boring. This could be said about some of the lower points in the Lego Star Wars series, but, for the most part, the series’ first entry is a fun, hilarious, and endlessly entertaining recreation of Lucas’ prequel trilogy.

Opting to leave out any form of dialogue, a simplified version of the Star Wars space opera is relayed through a quirky brand of slapstick humor, which is nothing short of great. The gameplay is a simplified yet amusing approximation of in-universe combat, and the dozens of unlockable characters on offer will have players returning for years to come.

It may not quite compare to something like the first Star Wars Battlefront II game which was released a year later, but it’s a cute, comical little romp that every franchise fan should check out.


Sometimes I like to write in between sessions of Rocket League.